Back in the saddle again. Hi everybody! Well I just finished wintering in Bermuda! ... ok well so it was actually the basement. But I am back now Spring is here and a ton of things have happened since I last blogged.
I now have my own Room! I was doing such a great job that the boss felt I deserved my own personal space. Some people call in a closet, but they are just jealous. It is mine and I have made it Fabulous!

OK where to begin... We have a new studio mascot. His name is Simon. The boss thinks he is way cute... But I have had some experience with cats. I can tell his goal is to one day have the studio renamed... yep, Studio Simon. He is not cute. Even the Zombies won't mess with him... Here he is attacking a fabric flower prototype.
Teen has embarked on a new career, and is someplace in South Carolina learning to march. What ever that means. I don't fully understand what she is doing, but she gets to wear really cool camo clothes. :)

Studio Calvin (or is it Simon?) continues to evolve. The boss is getting customers world wide now and is starting to struggle to keep up with the orders. I keep telling her I can help, but she tells me I have more important textile display specialist things to do. Apparently standing around looking good is a full time job!

OH OH OH!! The Boss is about to be published in a magazine! How very exciting. I was hoping it was vogue or Fons and Porter so she could get me an in for a my dream of making the cover... But this is just as good, she has designed easy to make fabric flowers and
Quilting Arts Gifts has picked up the article. It will be out in July. We just boxed up 2 dozen flowers and the instructional DVD to send to them. Here is a sneak peak of what the flowers look like. ) Hee Hee but not the ones we shipped, You'll have to get the magazine to see those.
OK I need to fulfill my contractual agreement and put in a plug for the boss. She has placed all her Batik and Tie dye fabric on sale. Just $2.50 a yard.
Check it out here!
Later! Q
Oh Quinnie I have missed your blogs:)
Nice to have you back from wintering in sunshine paradise. I've missed your posts.
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