Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday on the town.

Hey everybody.  I got a rare treat tonight.  The boss let me go with them to see a movie in 3-D.  I of course  made the glasses look AWESOME!

The movie was called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part II.  I was not sure I was going to like it, because I had not seen part one, and come to find out there were six other parts before that. That is a lot of parts.   I know,  I know, before you say a word everybody here already asked me how it was possible that I had not heard of these movies before.   Let me just say where I come from there are even fewer movie theaters than there are pools ok?

Anyway the movie was really good.  I won't give you any details cause I don't want to spoil it, suffice it to say I was riveted,  completely unable to move through the entire movie.    There was stuff blowing up and there was  this one ugly guy with slits for a nose.  Come to think of it he reminded me of Dominick.   They are both butt heads.    A lot of stuff happens and then the lights came on and we left. (hows that for not giving anything away)

  On the way out we had to give the glasses back so I can't show you a picture of how well I made them look, but trust me I did.

Thanks boss for getting me out of the house.  I had a great time.   Oh I almost forgot we went in Rob's car and I got to stand out of the sun roof the whole way.  That was fun too.   People were waiving and pointing.  I really am becoming quite the celebrity.  The only part that was not fun was when I got to taste a June bug at 40 miles and hour... plech!

OK that is it for now.  Goodnight all, thanks for stopping in.  Q

1 comment:

Sheena said...

You got to ride in a Dodge Challenger! Oh I'm jealous...