Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I met Pinky today.  She is StudioCalvin's very first zombie-series doll.    I was not scared of her even a little bit.    She has pretty pink eyes and hair and even pink stitches.  Poor thing, but don't worry I asked her and she said they don't hurt a bit.  She even has a bit of bling.

Pinky says to say sorry for the quality of the picture, she took it with her phone for her my-space page.  ( I didn't know anybody still used My Space, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings)

Rob promises to take better pics tomorrow.   Maybe he will let me pose with her.  You know I always make every picture better.

You will find her on ETSY once she has a couple siblings to keep her company.   We don't want her getting lonely now do we?

Good night everybody!!


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