Monday, May 14, 2012

And Q is in Charge!

I knew I was destined for greatness!  The boss left for business for a week and put me in charge while she is gone.  She knows a leader when she sees one!  I have already implemented new changes to the studio.  Boy will she be surprised.  Effective immediately the following changes are to take place in StudioCalvin:
1)      All Textile Display Specialists (TDSs) employed by StudioCalvin are to be addressed by their title” TDS Quinnie” for example.

2)       Absolutely NO studio Mascots…Simon… will be allowed to sharpen their claws on any TDS at any time.

3)      Friday will no longer be classified as casual Friday; from now on it will be jammie day.  Now that will be cozy!

4)      There is no # 4.

5)      TDS Quinnie will be placed in charge of all display technicians, including but not limited to display hands, jewelry trees, and any other employee used to display StudioCalvin wares.  As Such TDS Quinnie is hereby promoted to Chief Textile Display Specialist (CTDS) with all rights and privileges accorded. (I toyed with the title Senior Textile Display Specialist, but thought better of it)
I am positive these changes will greatly enhance the moral of every employee of StudioCalvin.
I wonder if the boss will let me have a desk in her new office.  I would think as Chief TDS I would rate a desk.  If only my legs would bend into a sitting position.  Oh well It is the thought that counts.
Edgar and I are still going strong, although it is the time of year that he works the longest, so I won’t get to see him much until October.  That’s the drawback to dating a agricultural vermin deterrent engineer.
OK I need to get back to work, The Studio mascots are all asleep on the job I need to go wake ‘em up.
Until next time!

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